Grace Lutheran Eganville offers a wide range of committees, groups, and programs that further the growth of our congregation.
The Cemetery Committee members are appointed by the Church Council. The task of the Committee is to maintain and enforce the cemetery by-laws. At least one (1) Committee member shall supervise the allotment of cemetery plots.
Contact the church office for more information on the cemetery by-laws.
The Grace Lutheran Eganville Choir consists of a small group of dedicated people who enjoy coming together to sing for worship services on Sunday. They may be small in number, but they are mighty. The choir meets every Thursday for choir practice at 10:00 AM. The overall goal of the choir is to sing an anthem during worship in unison and sometimes in four parts (soprano, alto, tenor and base).
They are always looking for more people to join who wish to use their talents in praising God. If you are interested, please Contact us at the church office.
Check out our Leadership page to learn more about the leader of the choir, our Director of Music.
The Christian Education Committee assists persons to grow in grace and faith and in the knowledge of the scriptures. It provides learning opportunities with appropriate curriculum and recruits, equips, approves and supports teachers and the Pastor.
Refer to Education for more information regarding the types of Christian Education that Grace offers.
The Church Council has general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation, and finances of the church. Duties of the Church Council include:
- To lead the congregation in stating its mission, to do long-term planning, to set goals and priorities, and to evaluate its activities in light of its mission and goals.
- To seek to involve all members of this congregation in worship, learning, witness, service, and support.
- To oversee and provide for the administration of this congregation to enable it to fulfill its functions and perform its mission.
- To oversee church finances
- To support the Pastor and staff
- To arrange for pastoral service during the sickness or absence of the Pastor.
- To engage and cooperate with other Christian congregations, both Lutheran and non-Lutheran.
There are nine (9) seats on Council. The congregation vote for the Council members at the annual meeting. The Council Executives are voted in by the Council members each year at the first regular council meeting following the annual meeting. The term of service is three (3) years, and a person can only be on Council for two (2) consecutive terms.
Regular Church Council meetings are held monthly, with the exception of July.
Refer to the Leadership page for more information regarding the current Council members.
The Endowment Fund exists solely for the charitable purposes of the Church, with its principal objective being the promotion and development of religious, charitable, and educational activities, and for non-recurring purposes not regularly budgeted by the Church.
The Funeral Committee preforms the duties and responsibility that occur before, during and after a funeral. These activities include:
- Arrange for bell ringer and elevator operator.
- Contact caretaker so that church may be cleaned before and after service.
- Unlock doors 1 hour before service.
- Take post out between doors if there is a casket.
- Put hymn numbers on boards.
- Put out pew reserve signs for the family.
- Turn power for sound system on in the vestry.
- Light candles 20 minutes before service.
- Hand out bulletins for attendees.
- Usher to pews when necessary.
- Pick up bulletins and clear pews after service.
- Give left over bulletins to the family after the service.
- Lock doors and replace post when everyone has left.
The Grace Ladies’ Aid group has been part of Grace Lutheran Eganville for many years and provides a place for members to meet outside of the Sunday Worship Service to develop and enjoy friendships with other people within the church.
The group performs a wide varieties of activities and volunteering in conjunction with other church members and groups. Some of these activities include: providing refreshments for Fellowship after Worship Services, overseeing the preparation and execution of the Harvest Dinner in the fall, and sewing & donating handmade quilts within the community. Grace Ladies’ Aid also offers to provide refreshments (for a nominal fee) for families after funerals. The group calls, visits and sends cards to the elderly and shut-ins to remind these individuals that they are still thought of and included in the church community.
Ladies’ Aid meets in the afternoon on the first (1st) Monday every month, with the exception of July and August. They are continually looking for new ideas to fundraise and donate to clubs within and outside of the church.
The Grace Ladies’ Aid are always looking for new members to join their group – everyone is welcome!
The Personnel Committee exists to confer with staff semi-annually on issues related to and including the performance of their individual job description.
The Personnel Committee includes the executive members of Church Council (chair, vice chair, secretary) and the chair of the committee, if any, with whom a given staff person works most closely. The Committee meets with each staff person twice in each calendar year.
The Property Committee is responsible for the operation, care and maintenance of the Grace facilities, including the church, the parsonage and the church-owned rental residence. They make sure the facilities are safe, meeting government standards, aesthetically pleasing and are an effective use to their purpose.
Throughout the year, the Committee performs activities such as: cleaning and maintenance of the church facilities & grounds; maintenance on the heating & cooling systems; maintenance, care, repair, and replacement of all
equipment and supplies; entering into contracts for repairs or other services; snow clearing and arranging custodial services.
The Committee shall consist of at least six (6) members of the congregation, including the Pastor (ex-officio) and at least one (1) liaison from Church Council. The term of service is three (3) years. The Committee meets quarterly, as well as for special meetings at times mutually agreeable to the Committee members. Committee members may also be
asked to serve as liaisons to various subcommittees.
St. John’s Sebastopol Church is located at 5186 Opeongo Road.
This beautiful little church closed in 1962 and was reopened in 1978. Two (2) services are held every year – a cemetery service in the spring and a Thanksgiving service in the fall.
There have also been burials, weddings and baptisms at the church throughout the years.
The Tri-Council is a collection of individuals from Grace Lutheran Eganville, St. John’s Lutheran Augsburg, and St. John’s Lutheran Bonnechere.
The Tri-Council consists of elected council members from all three (3) congregations. The Council meets three (3) to four (4) times a year to discuss budget and all matters that jointly affect all three (3) congregations.
The Witness Committee provides on-going outreach and contact with members of the church family and seeks to support the faith life of persons within the congregation and larger community. They assist with the workings of the church with Baptism boxes, maintaining the membership list and memory book.
The Worship and Music Committee is responsible for planning and overseeing all aspects of worship life at Grace.
Throughout the year, the Committee is responsible for: service planning (including holiday services), hymn selection, planning Rite of Confirmation service, and assisting with financial review and budget planning. Other activities include: preparing & executing newspaper ads, ordering supplies for altar & communion, obtaining copyright licenses, arranging organ & piano maintenance, arranging for worship service volunteers (readers, ushers, greeters, etc), and planning special events & services in conjunction with the Pastor.
Committee meetings are held 5 or 6 times per year.

“Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise.”

Martin Luther

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