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Everyone is welcome
Thank you for taking the time to peruse our website. If you are a first-time visitor, we hope we can answer some questions you may have.
Where is our church located?
We are located at 14 Bonnechere St. West in Eganville, Ontario, approximately 30min from Pembroke, Ontario (see map below). There is a large parking lot at the rear of the church with a walkout basement entrance. From the basement entrance, you can get to the church sanctuary by either taking the stairs or the elevator to the main floor.
When is the worship service time?
Time of the Sunday morning service is subject to change. We share pastoral services with the Augsburg and Bonnechere churches. Check out our Worship Services page for more details on the current service times at each of the churches.

What should I wear?
Wear whatever you are comfortable in, there is no “dress code” for church. Some worshippers come casual, while others are more dressed up. We just want you to be more focused on the experience than worried about what you’re wearing.
Will I fit in?
Young or old; coming with friends, family, or on your own; enjoy a lot of music during the service; or even if you are totally unfamiliar with a Lutheran church, you will find a place here and people who are like you.
Are children welcome?
We welcome families of all kinds, including children and grandchildren. Children are more than welcome to stay during worship, but they are also invited to attend Sunday School while you attend service. Check out the Education page to learn when Sunday School is in session.

Can I take Holy Communion?
At Grace, all are welcome to partake in Communion. If you have a mobility impairment and wish to take Communion, please speak with an usher to make arrangements for Communion to be brought to you.

Am I expected to make an offering?
We do take a collection during service, however making a financial contribution is totally voluntary. If you don’t want to or are unable to make a contribution, that is fine. Many regular members donate via pre-authorized payment, so you won’t be the only person passing.
How do I join?
Contact Us or speak with our pastor on Sunday for more information on joining our community!
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us either by phone or email.
Why Grace Lutheran Eganville?
We are a church that welcomes everyone and cares about the community we live in. We offer many educational classes, including Sunday School, Confirmation Class and Bible Study, throughout the year to learn about God’s Word and Lutheranism. Our church is modern and fully accessible.
This website only shows a glimpse of who we are and what we offer. We invite you to come out on Sunday and introduce yourself – we can’t wait to meet you!