Explore the options below to discover the different ways you can donate.
We are a non-profit registered charity. Charitable tax receipts are available for monetary donations.
In-Person Giving

In-person offering is available during worship services. Alternatively, you can contact the church office to arrange in-person donations outside of services.
Online Giving

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)
Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) enables you to give your offering intentionally, proportionally and faithfully all year long through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account. Please print the following form and deliver to the church office with a void cheque. Blank forms can also be found at the office.

One time or monthly donations can be made online through Canada Helps by credit card, PayPal or Google Pay.
Note: We pay a service fee per transaction to CanadaHelps.

Donating your time
Consider donating your time by joining one of our ministry groups, committees or programs.
If you have a talent that you would like to share, please complete the Volunteer Form below and submit to the church office.
Charity Registration Number: 107444598RR0001